How to make a white theme on windows 10
How to make a white theme on windows 10

how to make a white theme on windows 10

If you have a recent build of Windows 10, you can copy and paste the key directly into the registry editor’s address bar. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM This trick may break or stop working in the future and you use it at your own risk. At this point, it’s time for our routine reminder – registry edits can have unforeseen consequences for your system and are not supported by Microsoft. Next, search for “regedit” in the Start menu and hit enter to launch it. You should also make sure you’ve selected your desired accent colour – if you change it later, you will need to repeat this procedure to reinstate your black title bars.

how to make a white theme on windows 10

Make sure the “Title bars” checkbox is ticked under “Show the accent colour on the following surfaces” section. Open the “Personalisation” category and click to the “Colours” page. To achieve this effect, you’ll first need to head to the “Settings” app. If you want black title bars with a blue accent colour, you’re out of luck. This method is limited though – Windows prevents you from using extremely dark shades, and in any case you may want to retain your current accent colour. You can change this by using a dark accent colour and choosing to show the accent colour on title bars in Settings. Even with dark theme enabled, Windows 10 uses white title bars for desktop apps by default.

How to make a white theme on windows 10