When using Bluetooth Passthrough mode, the emulated software directly communicates with the Bluetooth adapter, so it's not possible to mix passthrough mode with emulated Wii Remotes and some Dolphin features like Netplay, TAS input, input display, among others, won't be available.Even though most Bluetooth adapters can be used in passthrough mode, perfect compatibility is only guaranteed with the Bluetooth modules from Wii consoles.The functionality and stability of the connection heavily depends on the compatibility of the Bluetooth adapter used.4.4 Wii Remotes do not stay paired after closing the game.4.3 "Failed to detach kernel driver for BT passthrough".4.2 "Failed to open Bluetooth device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED".

4.1 "Failed to open Bluetooth device: LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS".